Sun Set

Chena Lake Recreation Area, Alaska

Chena Lake Recreation Area, Alaska

Alaskan Sunset

This photo is beautiful.

At first glance you'll notice that it contains lots of cool colors found in the snow and sky. Which is true, but as your eye studies the photo a bit longer, you'll begin to discover the glow of sun's warm colors. 

Upon further examination you'll notice the sun spanning out behind the tree line creating depth of field and a nice contrast in colors. You might even notice the sun's colors reflecting off the snow and clouds!  

Combining the design elements of depth of field and contrasting colors makes for a beautiful photo composition! 

Do you have photo's of nature that you can pull a color scheme from?

I bet you do!

I challenge you to take a closer look at one. Study the details. I bet you'll find beauty and inspiration from it. 

Share what you find on social media using #Mondaysincolor